Is your self-care just escapism?

Real talk — a lot of times the way that we talk about and practice self-care veers into the realm of escapism. Little "treats" that we allow ourselves as a reward for slogging through days, weeks, and sometimes even years that feel so depleting, endlessly arduous, and painful that we have no choice but to retreat from the world for a while.

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Katherine Block
Befriending my body

A couple of years ago, I realized that I think other women’s imperfections are take-your-breath-away beautiful. Crow’s feet, gray hairs, stretch marks and scars, overly rosy cheeks, pores, the light and shadow of human skin, outer thigh dimples, “age spots” and freckles. Not beautiful in a “your flaws are what make you unique and that’s beautiful” kind of way.

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Katherine Block

A couple of days ago, I was talking with a client about scars. She'd just had surgery and a well-meaning someone, probably trying to preemptively console her, told her not to worry about her scar and that she would always be beautiful — no matter how it healed.

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Katherine Block
Making friends with this pitch-black heart of mine...

“He just had this golden heart.” Driving home one-day several years ago, I heard a woman being interviewed on NPR use these words to describe her nephew, a soldier who had died in Afghanistan. Instantly, I felt a pang of shame and longing lance through me because I knew, without reservation, that my heart was not golden.

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Katherine Block
So, what’s with the name?

Little Dipper Yoga and Therapeutic Bodywork officially began in June of 2015 and, since before I really even opened up shop, I’ve had more than a few people ask me, essentially, “What’s with the name?” The answer to that question starts with a seed that was planted 5 or 6 years ago.

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Katherine Block