Yoga + therapeutic bodywork
Learn how to tune in to YOU (even when life gets loud) and develop an unshakeable trust in the wisdom and guidance of your own body and heart.
I’m so glad you’re here.
Let me introduce myself... I’m Kate Block, the yoga teacher, therapeutic bodywork practitioner, and truth-telling rebel behind Little Dipper.
what I know for sure...
It can be easy to forget how to recognize and connect to the voice of your truest, deepest self — how to move from a place of curiosity, courage, and self-compassion. The most transformative bodywork and yoga isn’t about “fixing” anything about you or your body, it's about uncovering. Helping you get more connected to YOU.
Want to know more?

Cultivate clarity, growth, and healing by questioning and letting go of beliefs and ways of being that no longer serve you.